Nothing Bogus is…
First and foremost, a hub for the indie film community. Put the call out for anything from extras to props to lenses. Or, offer up the services/equipment/etc. you can provide.
And second and secondmost?
A space for indie film dispatches that will (hopefully!) be useful and interesting. They’ll be on subjects that the big publications generally overlook. There’s a lot of cool stuff happening—or that happened long ago!—that doesn’t have an obvious hook or a big marketing budget behind it. That’s the stuff I’ll spotlight.
Who are you?
My name is Max Cea. I’m a writer and filmmaker. You can find my work in Esquire, Vulture, GQ, Billboard, and on NoBudge.
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Why become a premium member?
At the moment, no content will be behind a paywall (Yay!). It’s all free. But if you like what I’m doing here and can afford to spend $5/month, I’d urge you (strongly) to do so. Your support means a lot and will be vital to allowing this newsletter to exist. :)